
8 Things Guys Do That Make Our Hearts Melt

That feeling before a first date is always a mix of excitement, anxiety, and straight-up fear. Like, what if we have nothing to talk about? What if he’s weird? What if he kills me American Psycho style?!

But when a guy starts showing signs that he’s actually a sweet, cuddly, little bear, those worries dissipate. And your heart, once closed off and frozen, will open up and melt when he does the following:

1. Doesn’t care about your unshaved legs and/or other body parts.

As girls, we’re always worried that a guy will be repulsed by our not-so-closely shaven body parts. Not because they’re grossed out by them, but because society has forced us into thinking this way. When a guy tells you he’s not weirded out if you forgot to shave, you’re not just happy because you got away with an extra day of not shaving, you’re happy because you feel ten times more comfortable being yourself around him.

2. Turns up the heat if you’re too cold. Turns on the AC if you’re too hot.

A small little gesture like this one goes a long way for your guarded heart. The fact that he cares about your comfort means that he’s looking out for you and your wellbeing. And he doesn’t make you feel like you’re being annoying or nagging  him when you tell him you’re shivering.

3. Makes you feel like a prize when he’s walking outside with you.

When you’re seeing someone new, there are so many questions buzzing around in your mind. Sure, you may have just had a great time cuddling in bed, but will that affection extend to when you’re in public together? There’s nothing as amazing as the moment when a guy first reaches for your hand when you walk out the door and makes you his. He’s proud to be your guy and he wants the world to know it.

4. Waits with you for your bus or train.

A guy who walks you to the bus stop or train station is great. A guy who waits with you for that bus or train is nothing short of hubby material. It shows that he wants to take the precious time out of his day to do something as dull as waiting just to get some extra minutes with you.

5. Calls you their hero after you share a personal story with them.

Guys might already be willing to protect and look after you. But when a guy tells you you’re his hero, it makes that relationship a mutual one. It’s a greater compliment when he sees you as someone to look up to and admire.

6. Texts you after dates just to let you know he’s still thinking about you.

There will be guys you see who you won’t hear back from for days. Read: douche lords and fuckbois. And those days you’ll be left worried, wondering if the time you spent together meant anything at all to him. When a guy texts you right after your date, it’s sort of a reassurance to know that he’s still thinking about you. Especially in the beginning, when there’s so much in the air. You don’t want to open your heart to someone who’ll forget about you when you’re not around.

7. Holds you, even if it’s not leading to sex.

He’ll hug you from behind when you’re standing in the middle of the room, touch your stomach or hip when he brushes past you, or play footsie when you’re half asleep. These little non-sexual touches tell you that he’s still attracted to you in ways beyond just the bedroom.

8. Makes future plans with you.

Opening your heart to someone requires trust. Especially after you’ve been heartbroken on more than one occasion, in multiple manners, it’s hard when you meet someone who treats you so well. It’s a fucking curveball. You’ll want to convince yourself that it’s too good to be true, that this is just going to go down the same path as the others. But when he makes it clear that he wants you in his future, it becomes a little easier. You’ll no longer feel anxious at the thought of sharing your feelings and thoughts with them when you discover that you can trust them.

For more of Defne’s writing, follow her on Facebook.