
What Its Like to Be the Outgoing Girl Battling Her Anxious Heart

Outgoing Girl, Anxious Heart

You always see that one girl who seems to know everyone. She’s the one who stands out in a crowded bar and is chatting up everyone up at a party. She always looks so carefree, and so sure of everything, including herself.

But you’d never know she’s secretly wondering if everyone’s staring at her, why they’re whispering, and frozen at times from this paranoia.

You’d never guess her mind is a roller coaster of anxious thoughts and insecurities.

What was I thinking? What did I say? Do they think I’m annoying? My voice is so annoying.

She doesn’t mean to get wrapped up and consumed in her own mind, she actually wishes she could break free from it. She doesn’t want to overthink and over-analyzing literally everything, she doesn’t want to feel this pit in her stomach the morning after a night out and hate herself.

You wouldn’t guess that she secretly worries if she’s embarrassing herself, or if she’s embarrassing her friends. You’d never guess that she fears looking foolish or that people won’t like what they see when they look at her.