
She Lost Him, But She Found Everything She Ever Needed

You'll meet a lot of people in this world, but not a lot are like her.

Always cheerful, never judging. The girl who doesn't pick and choose who she cares about – she just cares about everyone, because that the heart she has.

She was the girl who loved with everything she had, and with no expectations.

He was everything to her. You could see it in the way she lit up whenever he came around.

He made her smile, happy, regardless of him caring or not.

Until he left.

She felt defeated. Broken. Everything came crashing down.

She felt lost, because until then everything had been about him.

The day he left, she didn't know it, but she would find the one who really deserved her. Who knew what she needed.

She didn't need much, just someone who would stand by her, support her.

She needed someone to laugh at her jokes. Even the not so funny ones.

Because she tried, so she needed someone who would also try.

She needed someone who would see the real beauty – her heart, her dreams.

You know what she needed most of all?

She needed someone who would love her as much as she loved, who would take her love and take care of it.

She never asked for anything, but she deserved so much.

Him leaving was the best thing that could ever happen to her.

Losing him was the best thing that could have happened to her. 

To read more of Stephanie's work, follow her on Facebook.