
I know it was time to walk away, but that doesn't take the sting away

I loved you. I loved us. 

But now that love is gone. 

All that is left is the pain. The heartbreak. 

The memories of love is all that I have. 

I know that it is time to walk away. I know that we are done. I know that you aren't the person I fell in love with anymore. 

But that doesn't take the sting away. My heart is still aching. I still miss you.. the you that I used to know and love. 

Maybe I shouldn't miss you. Maybe I shouldn't feel this pain that I am feeling. Because I know that I had to walk away and let you go. I can't turn around and go back to you. 

But that's why it hurts so bad. This time, I know there is over. The love that I allowed myself to absorb myself in for so long, is completely gone. There is not maybe for us anymore. No chance for us to fix things. 

We're really done this time. 

It's a hard thing to accept. When you love someone so much, a part of you always holds onto the hope that you will always work out in the end. But that isn't the case anymore.

You broke my heart. The man I fell in love with, is no longer who you are. You changed and for the worse. 

A part of me always thought you would get yourself together, and then we would work it out. That's why I stuck around and hung on for far too long. I believed too much in you- in us. 

The saddest part is, one day you might get it together. When you do, you're probably going to miss me. You're going to want our love back. 

But you pushed me too far. We're too broken to ever fix. I can't come back ever again. We will never be an "us" anymore.

That's where the sting comes from. You once meant the world to me. We used to talk about our futures together, our goals and aspirations. 

I thought you could have been the one. You could have been my future. But now you are only a memory. 

You are someone I used to know. Someone I once loved. But someone I can't love again. 

It was time to walk away. Time to let you go. Time to move on to someone or something else better for me. 

It's painful to embrace this. I guess I just have to let myself grieve for a while. Losing the love of you life hurts. But I can promise you that I won't grieve too long.

 I won't miss you much longer. The memories will start to fade, and I will find a love that I deserve. When you realize what you lost, I hope you don't try to come back. I won't be here. You had your chances, and you ruined them. You let our love go. And now I'm letting you go. 

So here is my final goodbye. Here is my closure.