
10 Things Geminis Know to Be True

"A Gemini is a cross between a drunk and a genius."

As a fellow Gemini, I may be a little biased when it comes to saying "This is absolutely the best sign to be".. but it is the best and I don't care if it's biased or not. 

Being one of this sign, you have the ability to adapt to any social situation, any life change, and get along with almost anyone. This is because we are twins and we have the awesome ability to have multiple personalities (but not in the creepy, go see a shrink and get on some meds way). I am a proud Gemini, and if you are a Gemini as well, I can guarantee you will relate to most– if not all– of the below statements!

1.A Gemini's Fear: Being trapped and being alone.

Gemini people are very carefree. We enjoy new adventures and if you make them feel trapped, chances are you won't stay in their life for long. We are also sociable people and being alone with all of the millions of thoughts in our head is just torture.

2.A Gemini always has options up their sleeves. If something goes wrong, they always have a back up plan.

I know this to be very true for me. We can always see multiple solutions to problems and figure them out rather quickly. This is probably why we are so carefree, because we know there is always a plan B!

3.When Gemini is in a bad mood, they become unresponsive moody jerks.

We are of the witty type. If you make us angry, chances are we will stay silent. Because if we were to open our mouths we would kill you with our words. 

4. A Gemini is the life of the party.. most of the time.

We know we are fun people. It's not cocky to realize people genuinely enjoy their time when they are around you. But we also like our time alone. When we feel overwhelmed, we just want to unplug from the world for a day or so, listen to music, seclude ourselves from anyone, and regroup.

5.A Gemini mind is made to learn new things constantly.

This is what I mean by adventurous. We need to be intellectually and physically challenged and stimulated. This doesn't mean we need to climb Everest or be the next contestant on Jeopardy. We just need keep growing!

6.A Gemini is that one friend that you can count on to keep you entertained and drama free.

We constantly have millions of thoughts racing through our brains, so we can easily come up with random conversation topics or an exciting adventure to go on. We try to keep out of drama, if it's not our business, we won't share it. For us, once an issue has been addressed, it's done.

7. Gemini can get over things quickly because they know life is too short.

We won't waste time on meaningless friendships, relationships, drama, conversations, etc. It's not that we are heartless or don't care, we just want to enjoy life because this is the only one we have been given and we want to make the most of it. There is a whole world just waiting to be known, and we want to discover it.  

8.The more a Gemini thinks you don't care, the more they begin to isolate themselves.

Honesty and action are a big deal in the Gemini family. If we think we can't trust you, you'll be shut out without a second thought. If your actions don't match your words, we will make our own move and find people who will care. We are also big on communication. Just be real and upfront about what's going on, or our curious minds will wander down a rabbit hole and overthink the situation, making it much worse.

9. Gemini asks the questions everyone else is afraid to ask.

Sometimes people see us as heartless or insensitive. But it's just the opposite. We care enough to speak up when we know others won't. We aren't afraid to speak our mind because we are confident in our ideas and ourselves. We don't give much thought to how other's think of us, which makes us the perfect candidates to have the balls to say what everyone else is thinking. 

10. Once you have the heart of a Gemini, you will experience one of the deepest loves possible.

Yes, we may be crazy, silly, and more in touch with our childish- side than any other sign. But there is no other sign that cares so strongly for others. We want someone who will be able to keep up with our intellect, someone who will go with the flow when we think of our next crazy idea, someone who will choose us over and over, who will love us no matter what, and who will always be honest. 

We may be the most childlike sign of them all, but we know when to be serious and when to just let it go. Bottom line, don't go through life without a Gemini by your side, or you're missing out on the greatest adventure of them all!