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Sex after 50, Can You Still Enjoy it?

Can you still enjoy sex after 50?

Without any hesitation the answer is Hell YES!

Many women have found that the best sex of their lives happens between 45 and 55 years of age and often into their 60 and beyond!

At this age a woman is usually more self assured, more rested (often retired), does not have the added burdens of raising children because they are usually grown and gone by that time.

She may find that although her body is older that she is more in tune with her body and what makes it and her feel good and she is usually not afraid to ask for what she wants and likes.

Men find her sexuality and self absurdness, sexy as hell and are often drawn to her in an almost ludicrous way. Its as if they can’t wait to be tested by this woman. To see if they can satisfy her in a way that they can tell she will expect. They can feel the vibe she puts off and are drawn to it, like moths to a candle.

Young men are often drawn to these strong older sexual creatures for both the challenge as well as the hopes of being taught what women really want. After all, they know that this mature woman that exudes sex has to know a few tricks that the younger girls have yet to learn.

If the older woman is married her husband may find that he now has to step it up a little in the bedroom to keep up with this tigress. 

She will not settle for “not tonight babe” so he had better pull out that bottle of Viagra and get revved up. She want need anything but him and his willingness to take her to the orgasm she will expect.

She will find that Yoga will increase her flexibility and will help her go the distance in the bedroom. After all we all need to keep those muscles toned.

Keeping all her muscles toned will be a daily routine and that includes doing Kegel exercises. The best way to do this is to lay flat on your back with your knees slightly bent.. Now suck in the bottom of your stomach …think of your belly button touching the top of your butt crack. Hold that now, pull your but crack toward your belly button, squeeze your butt cheeks together and bring everything inside. upward toward the line your belly button and butt crack have made…..hold for 20 seconds. Release and repeat.

Don’t be surprised if the next day you are especially sore in your stomach, legs and butt.You can also do this while sitting. After awhile you will feel no discomfort from this exercise but the toning and tightening effects will be awesome!!

Next time you are having sex do this same exercise while he is inside you. He will practically climb over you trying to make it happen again. This is especially fun if you act like you don’t know what he just felt or how it happened. He will do everything to make it happen again.  I have been told this feels like he is having sex and getting a blow job at the same time. (blushing and smiling).

Enjoy your sexy older body and what it can do and don’t be afraid to be comfortable in your own skin….I say this as if you would be afraid, you silver fox you!