
8 Reasons Why Every Introvert Needs an Extrovert Friend (and Vice Versa)

A wise man once said, your friends are like the family you get to choose. But a wise man forgot to mention that some friends you don’t choose. That some friends, you literally can’t not be friends with.

1. You worked hard to earn each other’s trust.

It could’ve gone a little something like this… The extrovert friend barged into your life one day, grabbed you by the arm, and said “Hey, you, we’re gonna be friends. K cool.”

But it took more than just a stubborn will and good social skills to keep the conversation going – you guys had a genuinely good connection, shared interests, and a dedication to building up a meaningful friendship. 

2. Ever since, you’ve been the dynamic duo.

You guys complement each other in this crazy, weird way. You’re like yin and yang, lock and key, rum and coke, vodka and soda. 

Okay, so besides good alcoholic beverages, your friendship is based on this inexplicable, magnetic pull. You’re the perfect contrast that makes for the perfect pair of BFFs. There’s just no other way to describe it.

3. Because opposites attract.

Some people can’t be around people who are just like them. They’d probably end up going insane and pulling each other’s hair out. Because not everyone wants to see their own qualities in someone else, especially not the kinda sorta sh*tty qualities.

You guys are different enough where you never seem to get too sick of each other’s company. At least not all the time.

4. You’ve learned the art of compromise.

You’ve maneuvered your way past any verbal or emotional speed bumps to clarify exactly what it is you’re feeling when you’re upset. You know that relationships and friendships alike are two-way streets, where both your needs and concerns need to be voiced and heard.

You never mind doing favors for each other, but know that the give and take has to be equal. 

5. You’ve become better communicators as a result of it.

Someone who’s more extroverted might tend to be chattier, whereas someone who’s more introverted is more withdrawn. But you’ve learned to hit the perfect halfway point where both of you are doing equal amounts of talking and listening.

This has also helped you an insane amount when it comes to your interactions with other people too – your BFF’s voice is the angelic voice of reason on your shoulder when they’re not around.

6. You give each other tough love when you need to.

People can be idiots sometimes. And we get so caught up in our lives that we can fail to see where we’re messing up. Sometimes, it takes someone with a different perspective to help us find our way back.

Just when you think you’re lost, your BFF’s like I gotchu boo.

7. You broaden each other’s horizons.

Thanks to your friendship, you know what it means to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You help each other grow, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Sometimes, the introverted one of you two needs to remember to go outside every once in a while, while the more extroverted one could do with stepping away for a second, and observing life from the sidelines. 

8. You pick each other up when the other falls.

You will always believe in each other no matter what. If one of you is going through a time of darkness, the other’s there to bring back the sunshine. 

You also make the perfect wing-women for each other because you always encourage each other to face your fears. At the end of the day, there’s just no one else that gets you in the same way.

For more of Defne’s writing, follow her on Facebook.