
A Letter to the Friends I left When I Moved

I owe you thanks for so many different reasons. Let’s start with how much of a champ you were with handling me stressing out about my move, including but not limited to packing cause we know I am a terrible packer, to worrying about how I’m going to get everything to my new home and not to mention to where I’m going to live in the first place oh and heaven forbid what if I don’t like it.  Also for every time that I asked if I was making the right decision and started to have mild panic attacks about everything, thank you for calming me down and reassuring me that spreading my wings is exactly what I needed to do.

When we said our final “see you later” thank you for understanding that I was five seconds away from bursting into tears so you quickly changed the subject. Though just know about ten minutes into the drive the tears started flowing. Our late night phone calls and daily snapchats help make me feel like we’re just rooms or streets apart.

I want you to know that even though I’m going to make friends in my new town that they aren’t going to replace you because let’s face it, there isn’t any way that could happen, you’re stuck with me forever. We just know I don’t do so well being lonely and cooped up and someone has to be around when I’ve had too much tequila. When I’m out and about I’ll be telling everyone I meet stories of the crazy things we used to do together and how much they’d love you. When experiencing new things, I’ll wish you were here to experience them with me and you’ll probably get a phone call later on with all the details. Which means I want you to continue to go out and have fun as well, life doesn’t stop because I’m not around, it just means we create more stories to share with each other when we’re reunited.

You’re still not off the hook, just because we’re a little farther apart doesn’t mean you get to cut out on your friendship duties. Be prepared for the late night phone calls after I leave the bar, or the random snapchats asking you if my outfit is okay. I expect you to do the same thing, because I need to know what’s going on back home and I still need to approve of your outfit, even if you just got a new plaid shirt.

There will be days that will seem like we don’t speak a lot but we pick it back up like it was nothing. There’s going to be days I miss you more than I can explain and I may just call you and start crying, don’t you dare let me come back despite what I say.  Know that I am counting down the days till we are getting dolled up to go out, to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into and wallow in the hangover the next morning.

I love you for supporting me and believing in me, especially when I can’t do that for myself. I love you for the beautiful person you are inside and out and the ability to see through my bullshit when I throw it out there and to call me out on it with no regards to what I’m going to say.

Foremost thank you for allowing me to call you my friend and for letting me into your life and allowing me to still be apart of it even when distance separates us. Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve known the longest or how often you see each other but the memories and bonds you create and the fact that you don’t allow anything to sever that bond.

So just remember that I hate your ex, you need to eat more than once a day, when in doubt wear your favorite shirt and always know that no matter the distance I’m always here for you and that I love you more than I can ever tell you.

Until next time.