
6 Things That Make You Different From The Rest

When I met you, I was mentally and emotionally ruined. I’d been made to believe that I was worthless and didn’t deserve much of anything, let alone respect. You changed that. Thank you.

1. You always listen.

It doesn’t matter what I have going on, or what I’m upset about, you’re there, and I don’t ever have to question it. Even if I’ve put myself in whatever situation it may be with my own bad choices, you’re still right there supporting me and helping me when I need you.

When I want to just talk about how I feel, or go on and on about car parts I want to buy, or how badly I want to take a trip to the city, or about how absolutely excited I am over a song I wrote, you’re right there.

I never feel like an annoyance, and I’m never turned away.

2. You reassure me.

You remind me that I’m a good person. You don’t let me forget that I’m gorgeous. You tell me that I’m strong, and that I can make it through things that I don’t believe I have the strength to.

Every time you hold a door open for me, every time you tell me I’m pretty, every time you stop and sit with me because my heart problem won’t allow me to keep up any longer, you reassure me that I’m worth something, that I deserve to be treated well and feel happiness.

3. You don’t lie to me.

Even if I don’t want to hear it, you give me the truth. Ive never second guessed a single thing you’ve said to me, and I don’t think I ever will. Whether it’s big or small, there is never the slightest doubt in my mind that anything you’ve told me is the truth.

4. I can trust you. 

I’m not worried about you disappearing on me. I’m not worried about you fucking me over somehow. I’m not afraid that you’re just using me. For once in my life, I trust someone. 

I trust you. Simple as that.

5. I can be myself with you. 

I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not. I don’t have to change anything about myself for you. 

You’re okay with my crazy, sometimes not-so-great music taste, you’re okay with me sending you recordings of me singing and playing guitar just to see if you think it sounds okay. You don’t mind my childish obsession with anything Disney or Marvel related, you’re okay with the fact that I think like a guy and would rather be under the hood of my car than getting my nails done or something. 

I never have to put on a show, and I never feel uncomfortable around you. You know the real me, and you actually like it.

6. You support my dreams.

Sure, that may sound cheesy, but it’s true. Not once have I told you about a goal or dream and you not be supportive, regardless of how crazy it may be. You believe in me.

You want the same things for me as I do for myself. You’ve never told me that something I wanted to do was stupid, or tried to change my direction. You want to help me achieve greatness and you want to see me make it to where I want to be in life. You always have my back.

Thank you for being different. Thank you for showing me what I deserve.